Monday, November 30, 2009

Trading In Black

Trading In Black

What does it mean?

To a Forex Trader, it means a lot.

It means profit
It means success
It means you've survived another trading session.

As you would have guessed by now, this blog is about trading in the world of FOREX.

Contrary to what you may think, this blog is actually an attempt to DISCOURAGE unwary people from wandering into FOREX trading and losing their life savings in the process.

Everyday I am bombarded with emails and online advertisements on how easy it is to make money in FOREX.

Don't be tempted and don't be deceived.

To be successful in FOREX trading, you MUST have the following qualities

a) Work Hard (in learning and analyzing all the data available)
b) Be Diligent ( in keeping proper trading procedures)
c) Have an IQ of at least 148 (that leaves out 98% of the general population)
d) Be Adverse to Risk Taking (if you have a gambling streak FOREX is NOT I repeat NOT for you)
e) Be prepared to lose money ( at least the first 100 trades)

Am I pulling your leg?


There are a lot of CON games going on in FOREX and far too many people have been burnt. Of every 10 FOREX punters, 9 are killed off in the first month of trading.

I started this blog to document my continuing journey in FOREX and hope that some one some where might benefit from it.

Cheers for now.